Supporting the Arts on First Night Chatham

Press Page

First Night Chatham Button

The First Night Chatham button is displayed below. Right-click the image and select “Save Image” for a high resolution image in PNG format (1800 pixel), with transparent background..

Click any of the links below to open a button image in new window, which can be saved in the same way:

High-resolution (800 pixel) PNG image, with transparent background.

Medium-resolution (250 pixel) JPG image, more suitable size for display on a web page.

Medium-resolution (250 pixel) PNG image,transparent background, more suitable size for display on a web page.


The best selection of photos of First Night Chatham events and activities are pictures taken by the Cape Cod Viewfinders Club over the past three years. These photos are displayed in the First Night Chatham scrapbooks for these years, and direct links are shown below. These photos require permission from the photographer for use beyond the First Night Chatham website, but we encourage you to ask if there are photos you would like to use.

Email requests for use to First Night Chatham and we will forward to the photographer(s). These Picasa albums contain medium resolution images. High resolution images are available.

The photo albums are at the following web locations:

First Night Chatham 2015 (Dec 31st, 2014) Photos

First Night Chatham 2014 (Dec 31st, 2013) Photos

First Night Chatham 2013 (Dec 31st, 2012) Photos