Town Photos
First Night Chatham Town Photo 2024-2025
The image below is the same as the photo print that is availale from CVS, including the full Chatham Lighthouse.
Scroll down the page to view the high-resolution Deep-Zoomable picture, of the assembled townsfolk only.
See Viewing Tips at the bottom of the page.
Photo by Spencer Kennard
Deep-Zoom Town Photo Picture. See Zooming/Viewing Tips at the bottom of the page.
Viewing Tips - Touch Screen Devices
- Use a 'pinch' two-finger gesture to zoom out, and an 'unpinch' gesture to zoom in.
- A single 'tap' also zooms in one level of expansion, and re-centers to the point of the tap. A 'double-tap' zooms out one level of expansion, and re-centers to the point of the tap.
- When viewing a Zoomed-in subset of the photo, you can drag (ie pan) the photo using a finger.
- For unknown reasons, the initial image may sometimes appear a bit fuzzy. Tap or drag the image once and it will become clear.
Viewing Tips - Devices with Cursor
- Click once on the Zoomable picture to zoom in, or double-click to zoom out. This also re-centers the picture at the point of the click. (Pause after each click/double-click to allow image re-tiling to settle).
- Or, drag the plus sign + along the slider on the toolbar at the bottom of the window, to change the zoom level.
- When viewing a Zoomed-in subset of the photo, you can drag (ie pan) the photo using the cursor.
- The other controls at the bottom of the window allow you to move the image in any of 4 directions, to reset the view to see the whole photo (Zoom out fully), or to see a Help dialog box.
- The thumbnail 'Navigator' at the top left of the zoom window can be used to re-center the zoomed image at the picture location that is clicked in the thumbnail.
- For unknown reasons, the initial image may sometimes appear a bit fuzzy. Tap or drag the image once and it will become clear.